8 Komentar

Indonesian » Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale (Skala)


I compared danboo with people at the background

Scale, I even don’t know what is it even mean. In simple way, I think that is about comparing the size of two or more objects. But, it is not just about that. By looking at the other wordpress blogs, I found many ideas to explore what are “scale” mean from my perspective. I captured this photo at Malang Car Free Day. There were so many kind of souvenir we could buy there. I love this one, it’s really cute.

Pengunjung melewati lereng

People look so small there

I think what I captured above shows what is scale mean. Scale is also about how small or how big you look I think. I captured this photo when I trip to Bromo. I found this and it looked amazing for me.

Tangga yang menuju ke puncak gunung

What do you think?

That is just a stair (is it called stairs? – o nevermind). It’s kinda shows the other mean of scale. You know, we can see that. It’s hard for me to explain, but you can decide.


You look so small in this world to the others

“Scale” bonus. Just for record, Scale is not always about how to compare physical size. When I saw this couple the beg for money and no one paid attention, I realized how small they are.

– photo by M. Salasanto

PING!!! Scale

Another scale photos from my friends over the world

8 comments on “Indonesian » Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale (Skala)

  1. keren fotonya mas…
    pakai kamera apa?

  2. keren fotonya bro.. 😎 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🍸

  3. […] thechangingpaletteStudio 365: Day 40 The World Is a Book…The Best Day Of My Life… (Whales) JustMaulzIndonesian » Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale (Skala) Eco ElementsIn the Grand Scale of Things debooWORKSSunway Lagoon The Road Less PavedAn Improbable […]

  4. You are very kind, Maulz. We need more kind people like you in the world to make others happier.

  5. thanks for your appreciate.. I am glad you notice that.. Even I am from Indonesia, but I am from the village where none of homeless people around.. I help as much as I can

  6. What a great interpretation of scale. That last photo was a good capture. No one helping them to move along, that is so sad. I feel like those around them are the small ones. Then again, when I was holidaying in Indonesia a few years back, I saw a lot of homeless or poor people like them. Can’t help them all.

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